The path of the samurai
Today, everyone claims to provide top quality services by any means possible, put their clients before themselves, always remain customer orientated or even customer obsessed and put the client "at the centre" (even if it's not clear at the centre of what…). These phrases have become so ordinary that they remind us of Pythagoras’s spheres: constantly moving in the sky, the astral orbs create a marvellous music that is so permanent and unceasing, men cannot hear it.  

We are not interested in these mute melodies – we think differently. We believe that being “of service” to people, in particular our clients, is not an heroic act and is therefore not worthy of particular emphasis. It’s just a natural and enjoyable activity that fully satisfies our social instincts. But then, how did the samurai in ancient Japan behave, the creators of the most profound and absolute service culture ever known? Did they pass the time telling each other how “efficient and effective” they were in serving their master? Of course not, they served him and that was that, at the cost of their lives. In the book of the samurai (Hagakure Kikigaki, or ‘Notes on things heard in the shade of the leaves’), a short passage recites: “If we should explain once and for all what distinguishes the condition of a samurai, we would say that it consists in consecrating the soul and the body to your master without hesitation ". No comment needed.